I plan to re-vitalize the underground movie club I helped set up in my company this January. RAGe (Roshan, Aravind/Aditya, Glenn entertainment) provided an excel sheet with the movies set for 'release' every Friday. The sheet had details about the movies like the running time, size, quality, parental guidance (eg- Naomi Watts goes nude 45 minutes into the movie, so be sure to shoo your parents away round about that time), awards or nominations won. There was also a link to a one-page review of each movie we covered. RAGe started off really well, but lost steam as time wore on. The company's annual day, pressure at work, lack of feedback and appreciation for our work were the chief culprits. Reproduced below is the first review I wrote for RAGe. Its on one of my favourite movies, Thank You for Smoking: Thank You for Smoking Cast: Aaron Eckhart, Katie Holmes Director: Jason Reitman Review: Aditya Changavalli Don’t hide the truth, just filter it. I’ve got a confession to make....
musings of an active mind held back by a lazy body